The Charles Tunnicliffe Society
Established 2005
"To promote greater awareness of the life and work
of Charles Frederick Tunnicliffe OBE, RA  1901-1979"

Royal Academy Exhibits

Charles Tunnicliffe exibited his work at the Royal Academy from 1928 to 1979, and in that time

he submitted well over 200 pieces of artwork to the RA - far too many to be shown on this website!
The images on this webpage are are typical of his exhibits for the Royal Academy Summer Exhibitions.

The Chartley Bull - 1939

Roseate Triangle - 1948

Sea Sculpture - 1955

Wild Welsh - 1957

Silver Encounter - 1964

Unter den Linden - 1969

Cats Corner - 1974

When Birds Do Sing
- 1978

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