
The Charles Tunnicliffe Society
Established 2005
"To promote greater awareness of the life and work
of Charles Frederick Tunnicliffe OBE, RA  1901-1979"

Bob Martin Adverts

In 1935 Bob Martin ran a tremendous advertising campaign across Britain,
with no less than three hundred million separate advertisments printed in
lots of editions of newspapers & magazines. The advertisements included
black & white illustrations of various dog breeds, with the theme of 'before
and after' the use of Bob Martin's condition powders. The advertisements
were printed in thirty or more newspapers and magazines, with promotional
material for retailers, including posters, shop counter cards, large showcards
and items for shop window displays. Some of the advertisements were large,
printed on half-pages of broadsheet newspapers.  Smaller advertisements
were printed in publications such Radio Times and John Bull.

A  half-page advert (11" x 16") from the Daily Express.4th. Sept. 1935.


A double column advertisement with newspapers and publication dates.

Examples of single column advertisements.

Example of a large showcard.

Charles Tunnicliffe's illustrations were excellent wood engravings,
with very fine detail - some of his best work, as can be seen below.

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