The Charles Tunnicliffe Society
Established 2005
"To promote greater awareness of the life and work
of Charles Frederick Tunnicliffe OBE, RA  1901-1979"

Tunnicliffe's Cartoon Drawings
Charles Tunnicliffe created his cartoon drawings on tracing paper, as part of his
preparation for final paintings.  He did this so that he could check and correct
a composition before transferring it onto better quality paper, canvas or board.

The cartoon drawings can be quite detailed and colourful, but some of them are
far from incomplete or are just pencil drawings.  None-the-less his cartoons
are sometimes considered to be much more interesting that his final paintings.
This could be due to the fact that they give an insight into the artist's working
methods and creative ability - many of his cartoon drawings have an honesty
and spontaneity that is not so apparent in his neatly executed final paintings.

Here are a few examples of Charles Tuninicliffe's cartoon drawings:

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